For the last 3 years I, Loren Hintz, created and managed a free weebly web site for Amigos de Honduras. It lacked an option for paying on line and limited file size of posts. A number of RPCVs requested an option for joining Amigos on line and for doing online donations to the Grant Fund. Our Treasurer Tony Ives hired Arber Metuku and Amanda Myftarago to design and create a modern website. Brenda, Fred, Tony and I provided content and ideas.
First a few reminders or requests. The website is housed under Wix.com. We use DonorBox and Stripe for processing payments. We are charged 1.75%. To avoid processing fee, mail a check! You can still mail paper checks and send emails or letters directly to us. The Website is in both English EN and Spanish ES but the Spanish has been created by Google Translate and has not yet been checked by us for accuracy. Please volunteer to provide future content and to help edit. We are in the process of trouble shooting mistakes. Remember Amigos de Honduras is a volunteer effort. Be patient. Gracias.
1. The Best of Amigos de Honduras. Collection of newsletter articles from 1999-2013 compiled by former editor Alan Waugh, SPS 1973-5. https://www.amigosdehonduras.org/news
2. Dropbox photos of PCVs in Honduras in each decade. 1960s to the 20teens. Also collection of reunion pictures and old documents. Compiled and hosted by Steve Phelan, Tegucigalpa 1973-4. https://www.amigosdehonduras.org/rpcv-reunions
3. Memorial section of RPCVs who have died since Peace Corps service. Compiled by Fred Corvi, Choluteca 1978-80. https://www.amigosdehonduras.org/in-memoriam
4. Description of Peace Corps Partnership Grants and Amigos de Honduras Grants compiled by Treasurer Tony Ives and newsletter editors Alan and Loren. Forms to apply for grants (in both Spanish and English)
5. Photos and News of prior Peace Corps Honduras reunions and info on new reunions (if you share it with us.)
6. History of Amigos de Honduras and the Orden de Salva Vida awards.
7. Copies of old Amigos de Honduras newsletters from 2014 to 2022. Compiled by Editor Loren Hintz
8. Subscription link to share your email and receive INFREQUENT notifications from Amigos de Honduras.
9. Donor link to transfer money for the Amigos de Honduras Grant Fund. Please complete all parts of the form. https://www.amigosdehonduras.org/donate-now
10. Membership link to join as a member of Amigos de Honduras. Please complete all parts of the form.
11. Reminder of physical address to mail membership forms, checks and donations. (The same as the ones in the recent Newsletter)
12. Reminders to help write articles for the newsletter and volunteer with our organization.
13. Links to other organizations such as the National Peace Corps Association and US and Honduran NGOs you may visit or donate to. https://www.amigosdehonduras.org/what-we-do
14. Random blog articles about Amigos de Honduras, Peace Corps and Honduras.
15. You will NOT find the mega excel file of Honduran RPCVs and Staff compiled by Fred, Steve and the search committee over the past decades nor the old RPCV directories that were published in the past. Please contact Fred Corvi if you need specific contact info to organize reunions or to contact your old group.
16. Please contact me, Loren Hintz ldhintz@bellsouth.net, if you have any interest in helping to manage the new website. Note that we have created a permanent amigos Gmail account that can be used by future volunteers of Amigos de Honduras. This sends receipts. amigosdehondurasRPCV@gmail.com. Please use our specific email in the newsletter if you have a question or comment for us as the new Gmail address is not checked as often.