We seek to support, empower, and provide high quality resources to communities in Honduras. Our Grant Committee is processing grants. If you have a project or an idea that would improve or help a community in Honduras, apply now. Copy the form below and send it to Peter Schlosser p.schlosser@gmail.com Chair Grant Committee.
Typical grants range from $1000 to $1500 up to $2000.
The Amigos Grants Committee has awarded 28 grants, giving in total + $38k
If you want to help your community and have an idea how, we would love to hear it.

Your grant proposal should include
Name of the Project
Name of Organization, website, Facebook site, or other Internet presence
Name of former Peace Corps volunteer working on the project (if any), location and dates of service, phone, email
Name of Contact Person, phone, email (if not PCV)
Who will benefit from this project? Total number and population sector (i.e., 40 women of the communities of El Ocotal and Ciudad Vieja; the community of El Jocote, population 350, etc.)
Project description in a maximum of 1 page (500 words), including goals and objectives
Project budget listing all major expenditures over US$50, including total amount requested
Attach a maximum of 5 photos of your project and/or its beneficiaries (optional)
After completion of project send report to Loren Hintz LDHINTZ@BELLSOUTH.NET for the newsletter.
Grant recipients over the years
Fall 2002 - Ojojona, F.M. - public library - $1,400 ($800 from donors, $600 from dues) – PCV Chris Moore, Edina, Minnesota
June 2004 - Jesus de Alto, Valle - potable water system - $2,000 ($1,460 from donors, $540 from dues) – PCV Chrissie Fowler, Los Altos, California & PCV Tim Hopkins, Ojai, California
Jan 2006 - Hoya Grande, El Paraíso - organic coffee coop water system - $2,500 – PCV Brian Camblin, San Diego, California
Nov 2007 - pccatrachos.com website - $150 – PCV Kyle Rattray, Sunnyside, Washington
Sept 2008 - East Bay Met School, Rhode Island - students of RPCV John Kotula travel to Honduras - $1,000
Jan 2009 - Camasca, Intibucá - school furniture - $2,214 – PCV Susan Lorbecki, Kansas City, Missouri
Feb 2010 - Belen Gualcho, Ocotopeque - neighborhood pilas - $2,666.90 – PCV Casey Tyler, Gloucester, Virginia
Feb 2010 - Aldea Catulaca, Gracias, Lempira - school environmental club - $100 – PCV Vanessa Porter
Apr 2010 - shipping engineering tripods to PC/HONDURAS OFFICE - $773.38
Nov 2010 - Santa Rita de Oriente, Santa Bárbara - community latrines - $498.96 – PCV Alexandra Wilson, Charlevoix, Michigan
Nov 2010 - small coffee farms - $1,954.50 PCV name not available
2013 - in support of the new NPCA mentoring program - $500 RPCV Washington D.C.
2013 - Rural School Library Fund/ Central American Medical Outreach/Santa Rosa de Copan $500(founder RPCV Kathy Tschiegg, 1979-81
2014 - Tools for Opportunity/PALISAL lumber coop Yamaranguila, Intibuca $1000 (Dale and FrancesSchmitz (Yamaraguila, 1967-9)
2015 - NPCA Community Fund $100 (RPCV Washington DC) D. Lempira Coffee Cooperative $1000 for food, seed corn, rust resistant coffee (contact RPCV Maria Robertson, Siguatepeque/Sta Barbara)
2015/16 - Candelaria Library Project/Luis Bigran Center/Intibuca $1000 (RPCV Becky Williams)
Chabelo Morales brick factory/Col. Guadalupe Carne, Colon $500 (RPCV Maria Robertson) 2.26.16
2016/17 - Los Planes Latrine Project/ Montana Corralitos Wildlife Reserve, Francisco Morazan.
$1000 (RPCV Suzanne Mills)
2018 - Spanish translation and distribution Aves de Honduras Olanchito, Yoro $1000 (RPCV Robert
Gallardo/Loren Hintz)
2019 - Junior Ranger Environmental Program/El Sauce/Santa Barbara $1000 (Montana de Vida, HCN
Onan Teruel)
2020 - Central American Medical Outreach/Santa Rosa de Copan $1000 COVID relief efforts (founder
RPCV Kathy Tschiegg, 1979-81)
Centro San Yves Orphanage water system/Yoro, Yoro $950 (Patrick Mulligan)
Community Garden La Ceiba $1500
2021 - Community and School Solar lighting. East End, Cayos Cochinos.$700 (PCV Max & Lynnette
Aquaponisco system Las Flores, Olanchito $1000 ALFALIT
Yoro Youth Center $1458 World Vision/Rotary International
Escuela Guillermo San Martin electrical system, La Presa, La Ceiba $1474 Camara Juniors
International JCI
2021/22 - East End Electrification and Community Center, Cayos Cochinos $5000 (Rotary International/
Voyles Family Foundation)
Our projects
(Click images to see more)

Grant Committee
Peter Schlosser (Chair)
Anthony Ives
Al Merkel
Jean Waagbo
Diane McCormick
Judith Whitney-Terry